Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cracking the Code

Hi everyone! This is a post that involves the word coding. I know what you guys are thinking that the word coding means figuring out codes. Well, this type of coding means a written set of instructions for programming a computer to do something. Now, here is a question. Do you think everyone should learn how to code? You guys can comment on that, but I think YES because coding can open many new job opportunities. For example, it can open the job of people being more interested in computing. That is why I think what coding is why everyone should learn how to do it.

My first experience with coding was with Mr. Sanderl. My coding experience with him was kind of challenging in the beginning but I got through with the lessons and got the hang of the challenge. The first coding we did was on In this link are the beginning ways of how to begin to code. The lessons involve characters like angry birds, Anna, and Elsa. I will have the links to the other lessons of coding down below. That was my first experience with coding. {The links will be down on the bottom of the post}.

If I could design a program, I would make a scratch game. The Scratch game I made was a game that you have to try hit the actor. To play you would need to use the up and down keys on the game. First, you will Actor 1 {Hiro} will repeatedly walk in random directions. Then you {Baymax}have to navigate to catch up to Actor 1 and shoot him with a random thing. Also, Actor 1 will be shooting you! You will have to be careful because you only get 1 life. When you hit Actor 1, you will win the game. This is my game I created and don't forget about the lesson links below!   

Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

BursonW_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Hey guys, here is another post but this time this post is more about my humorous narrative. From this project, I learned about iMovie and how to import clips on to iMovie. For example, to import clips on to iMovie, you need to put your SD card into your computer then you will press on your project and select the button import. I also learned about the grading expectations. The grading expectations are if you get a 4, your clip has great lighting, crystal clear audio, music, inspiring shots, transitions, and added effect. Then, a 3 will have 10 correctly placed B-roll clips, funny, 30-60 sec, and expressive narrative. Next, a 2 will have script not memorized and dark/shaky shots. Finally, a 1 will have incomplete/unfinished/unclear, rough editing, not quite humorous ,and confusing. Also, I learned how to edit with your 10 B-roll and your speaking monologue. You would edit by placing your whole monologue to under the box where your clips will show up. Then, you will cut out parts that aren't necessary to the presentation. Next, you will drag little pieces of your B-roll above your monologue so when you say something, it will match your B-roll clip. That's what I learned from this project.

Padding is when you leave a couple of seconds after a clip. Padding is crucial because so their is space between your clips. You pad to leave space for other things like another piece of monologue or B-roll clip. For example, when you pad, you give a couple of seconds space between clips for time. I think padding is crucial because it helps keep you organized. This what padding is and why it is crucial.

For this project, my main weakness was trying to put the transitions and special effects in iMovie to make my project interesting. I was having trouble trying to put special effects and transitions only because I forgot to detach the monologue . Another thing that kept happening was my clips came out to short when I added the transitions. One of my strengths on this project was importing clips to iMovie. When Mr. Sanderl explained how to import clips, I got it right away. Another strength was that I can do the editing easily. Mr. Sanderl showed us how to edit by borrowing someone's movie and showing us what we have to do. Finally, The way for me to improve on this project is to try be careful of people's monologue being in your monologue. Thanks guys for reading this blog post of my joke narration and keep out for more blog posts.