Monday, November 30, 2015

Scratch Game Design

Read this before playing my Chase game! Instructions: Use the arrow keys to move the diver away form the shark. You will gain a point every 4 seconds. If you touch the shark, you will lose 1 point. You will win the game by reaching 20 points and you will know that you won by the shark sprite has stopped moving. Good luck!!!

Read this before playing my Platform game! Instructions: You have only one very high jump so use it wisely!!! After you use the jump(or before) you have to hold the up arrow to go up the platforms. It will take a long time, but you will get to the top before the time runs out because I have set the timer to 130 seconds. And to move side to side, you just need to move with the arrow keys. Good luck!!!

Read this before playing my Chase game! Instructions: Use the arrow keys to move and to get Tera back to his family. You will be faced with obstacles that you can't control, but you overcome them. hope you luck!!! 

What's up guys!!! And yet it is already almost Christmas!!! This is another blog post but it is going to talk about my new scratch game. My user experience with my Scratch game made me feel to challenge myself more. I could have challenged myself to make the diver change costumes to look like he is actually swimming.  I also could have made the game a little bit more challenging. For example, I should have increased the speed of the shark and the diver, have added one more shark sprite to make it more challenging and to make levels. Finally, I could have added music and some more entertainment factors.The entertainment factors I am saying are a another background with a "You Won!" and make every time the diver gets a point, it would make a noise. Also, music would make my game more entertaining by it will give more depth into the game and it would make the user feel like that the game is fun. These are the things that I gained from my user experience for my game.

The game I made has multiple personalities. One feature is I have a relating sprite background. The background is underwater because my sprites are related to going underwater. That leads to my sprites. My sprites are a diver and a shark. I made a diver getting chased by a shark because I didn't want to have really boring sprites, so I decided that I want to make the characters look non-boring. Finally, my diver and my shark sprite goes upside down. I really don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Well, I think it is a good thing just because sometimes, realistic divers will actually go upside down, but I don;t know if that will happen to a shark. If it does then, I don't know how to fix the shark to only go upside up. I would contrast and compare this game to other games by looking at the features of a game to another game. If one game had different features than another game, then the other game would be different compared to my game. same thing will be for comparing except for the fact of the game having similar features. That is the way I would contrast a game and those are some of my features of my game.

My best code was when I made a real working game and that it was possible to win. I had to do so much to make a successful chase and platform game. For example, I needed to make working movement by making the sprite move by the arrow keys, make an automatic moving sprite that always head toward the player(for my chase game), make the sprite stay on the platform(for my platformer game),using a variety of variables, and having to make the backdrop switch(for my platformer game). My hardest bug for my chase game was that my arrow key controls wouldn't work properly. For example, if I tapped the specific arrow key once, it would go all the way until the diver touches the edge. Good things I solved this problem!For my Platform game, my most hardest bug was when I needed it to make it jump. When I was going to duplicate my jumping script, I accidentally pressed the delete button so I made this advanced jumping and it doesn't work as well as my jumping script, but it would have to do. Now, to go up, you need to hold the up arrow and wait. I still haven't fixed this bug, so expect this in my platform game. That is all for now guys! I hope I can have another blog post posted before Christmas. If not, I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Invention Commercial

My teammates for the Commercial video were Andrew James Galiza and James Kessler. They are the same team I had for the Composition Scavenger Hunt. Our Commercial was based on our product called "The HydroTravel. The HydroTravel is very like the imaginary HyperLoop but it is underwater and it is powered by the electromagnetic force between two magnets. We made the explanation of the HydroTravel enthusiastically by when Andrew used a special app on his iPad to make our video look like the lego men has the ability to move and we made a funny situation to fit along side to keep the audiences attention. this is the explanation of our Commercial and our invention and what was my team's main goal.

Our best "Team Moment" was when we went to Wailua Homesteads Park and filmed our voice-overs. Andrew and I got their early so we were playing soccer before James came. It was also fun when we were filming voice -overs. After our voice-overs, we played football and Andrew was the quarterback for both James and my team. I won only because I had one interception at the touchdown line. We had so much fun until it started raining and we all had to go home. It was very sad because if there was no rain, we would have kept on playing until we were told to stop playing. I also had the opportunity to go to James's house but my mom was just going to take my sister to softball practice so I couldn't go. This is all about are funniest moment we had as a team and friends. 

During post-production editing, my role was to do the Commercial plan that is down below. I have had to do the plan because James and Andrew have been busy so I had to do the script, visual, composition techniques, and the timing. That was my part. James's part was he was the one who did the most editing. He edited mostly because Andrew and I were filming voice overs while he was editing. That was his part. Finally, Andrew was the one who made the lego video. He used an app and downloaded it to a flash drive and brang it to school to import it. While James, he really didn't do anything because he was absent most of the time. Hope to do another post. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Composition Scavenger Hunt

3P Results

What up guys. Welcome back to another blog post! Today I am going to talk about Composition techniques. I think that the composition technique contrast in content is the most important because the technique draws the person's eye to the object. For example, you see a pot holding a flower and would it attract you to the flower? It probably won't because there has to be a feeling that you want to observe the flower. Another composition technique I think is also important is point of view because if you only see from the side view, it wouldn't be as interesting then watching from the persons point of view. For example, if your were watching an action movie, you would want to see everything in the path of the person because it gives more visual than a side view. These are two composition that I think are the most important.

The most challenging composition technique I think is forced foreground. I think that forced foreground is the most challenging because you have to put an object in front of the camera and the person that is holding the object in front of the camera has to be blurry so you can't see the person. I also think that the composition technique low angle is another hard technique. I think that because you have to be at a weird angle to film low angle. I can use it more to look at the bottom of an object.These are the most challenging composition techniques that I think.

Now, it comes to my team. My teammates were James Kessler, Andrew James Galiza, and myself.For the jobs, I mostly did the Commercial Plan. Andrew, did the slogan and the logo. And James did some of the script for the Commercial Plan and he did some of the visuals. I also learned things about my partners. I learned from James that he is always wanting to get the work done and I learned from Andrew that sometimes you need a laugh when you are stressed. at the bottom of the page, I will have the links to Andrew's and James's blogs. Hope to post another blog post. Til then, you guys wait for another post. Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

Blog links
Andrew James Galiza
James Kessler

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cracking the Code

Hi everyone! This is a post that involves the word coding. I know what you guys are thinking that the word coding means figuring out codes. Well, this type of coding means a written set of instructions for programming a computer to do something. Now, here is a question. Do you think everyone should learn how to code? You guys can comment on that, but I think YES because coding can open many new job opportunities. For example, it can open the job of people being more interested in computing. That is why I think what coding is why everyone should learn how to do it.

My first experience with coding was with Mr. Sanderl. My coding experience with him was kind of challenging in the beginning but I got through with the lessons and got the hang of the challenge. The first coding we did was on In this link are the beginning ways of how to begin to code. The lessons involve characters like angry birds, Anna, and Elsa. I will have the links to the other lessons of coding down below. That was my first experience with coding. {The links will be down on the bottom of the post}.

If I could design a program, I would make a scratch game. The Scratch game I made was a game that you have to try hit the actor. To play you would need to use the up and down keys on the game. First, you will Actor 1 {Hiro} will repeatedly walk in random directions. Then you {Baymax}have to navigate to catch up to Actor 1 and shoot him with a random thing. Also, Actor 1 will be shooting you! You will have to be careful because you only get 1 life. When you hit Actor 1, you will win the game. This is my game I created and don't forget about the lesson links below!   

Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

BursonW_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

Hey guys, here is another post but this time this post is more about my humorous narrative. From this project, I learned about iMovie and how to import clips on to iMovie. For example, to import clips on to iMovie, you need to put your SD card into your computer then you will press on your project and select the button import. I also learned about the grading expectations. The grading expectations are if you get a 4, your clip has great lighting, crystal clear audio, music, inspiring shots, transitions, and added effect. Then, a 3 will have 10 correctly placed B-roll clips, funny, 30-60 sec, and expressive narrative. Next, a 2 will have script not memorized and dark/shaky shots. Finally, a 1 will have incomplete/unfinished/unclear, rough editing, not quite humorous ,and confusing. Also, I learned how to edit with your 10 B-roll and your speaking monologue. You would edit by placing your whole monologue to under the box where your clips will show up. Then, you will cut out parts that aren't necessary to the presentation. Next, you will drag little pieces of your B-roll above your monologue so when you say something, it will match your B-roll clip. That's what I learned from this project.

Padding is when you leave a couple of seconds after a clip. Padding is crucial because so their is space between your clips. You pad to leave space for other things like another piece of monologue or B-roll clip. For example, when you pad, you give a couple of seconds space between clips for time. I think padding is crucial because it helps keep you organized. This what padding is and why it is crucial.

For this project, my main weakness was trying to put the transitions and special effects in iMovie to make my project interesting. I was having trouble trying to put special effects and transitions only because I forgot to detach the monologue . Another thing that kept happening was my clips came out to short when I added the transitions. One of my strengths on this project was importing clips to iMovie. When Mr. Sanderl explained how to import clips, I got it right away. Another strength was that I can do the editing easily. Mr. Sanderl showed us how to edit by borrowing someone's movie and showing us what we have to do. Finally, The way for me to improve on this project is to try be careful of people's monologue being in your monologue. Thanks guys for reading this blog post of my joke narration and keep out for more blog posts.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Comedy Writing

Hey guys! Today I will tell you about why a sense of humor is important, describing 5 tips for writing a humorous narrative, and explain my monologue and why it's funny. A sense of humor is an important character trait that shows you can take in the joke and get what they are trying to say. Sense of humor is important because without it, you can't get the joke that a person is trying to give you. For example, you ask a joke and the person laughs, it is more funny then when you ask a person and they don't laugh at the joke. It is also important because for the fun of nothing being all boring and lame. Can you imagine a world without anything funny or things to do! That is the reasons why I think the character trait a sense of humor is important.

One tip to writing a humorous narrative is to have voice. If you don't have voice in your joke narrative, the joke won't make sense and won't be funny. Another tip is to use things that happen to your everyday life. For example, everyday I see my neighbors walking their dogs, so I can write for a joke," The dog owner wants you to butt of  the dog because it will bite." That wasn't a good example put you guys know what I mean. A third tip is to use a thesaurus. You should a thesaurus only because you might be able to find a funny word for your humorous narrative. A fourth tip is use comedic timing. It's used for to make the reader surprised or to turn them into another direction. A final tip is come up with a good hook paragraph. You would do this to drag the reader in so they will keep reading the joke. To get ideas for the tips I used this website,-Funny-Story. Those are some tips to writing a good humorous narrative.

I came up with my comedic monologue by the thought of unusual things. The example of the unusual things I used is when I listed Rob what animal he was in his dream. This leads to one reason why I think my humorous narrative is funny. It is because about how you think Rob will look like in his dream. I also think its funny because about how he has to go sleep in the end. My final reason is because he jumps off the cliff and then wakes up jumping of his bed. That all for today guys and keep watching out for new posts.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Motivational Poster

I'm am doing this project for a class project called The Motivational Poster. The motivational poster requirements are two text layers that are called Manifesto and Personal Quotes, three text layers that have pictures that represents you, and one text layer of your portrait. Those were the Photoshop Requirements. The Design Requirements are to kern so both text layers covers the entire page with no blank spots. Also there is the Triadic Color Scheme to put and adjust the colors of  your text colors. Then there is visual balance. It equally distributes the visual weight for an artistic appeal. Finally there is the blending options. The blending options are supposed to be for the layers. This is the expectations for the Motivational Poster.

For the Photoshop layers, I copied my Manifesto and Personal Quotes from my Google Drive and downloaded my GT symbols from Google + and also downloaded my portrait picture from a camera. For the design layers, I kerned my Personal Quotes and my Manifesto. For example, I made the spacing between each word wider so it will fill out that whole line and I made the letters taller. After that I put the color layers. I put it on the text so it would pop up more so you can see the text over the pictures and for the looks off the poster. These are the things I did to put together my Motivational Poster.

Probably the biggest challenge for me was the kerning. This was the first time I did a project like this and I probably thought I did so so on the kerning. To improve my kerning, I probably could have actually adjusted the letters so they were all kerned differently. For example some were stretched out more and some were smaller than others. I could have actually also made the letters for kerning a little more detailed. For example, making the letters pop out more and making the color layer more pop out. This is what was my biggest challenge for the Motivational Poster and how I can improve it.

    Thursday, August 20, 2015

    Personal Manifesto

    Hello, my name is William Katsuya Burson and here are five interesting facts about myself. First, I like playing the piano when I have time to do it. Secondly, my sports I do for fun are tennis and soccer. Also, I have a younger sister {Angelina} who is coming to middle school next year. I like the subjects Math, GT, and General Music. Finally, I enjoy going to school everyday. These are the five interesting facts about me.
    Never give up on your dreams.Don’t get discouraged by somebody when they say you can’t do something.If you're not good at a certain thing, just always try your very best.Anyone can do anything.No matter how you look like, you’re always you.Risk. Everything counts. Appreciate what you get. If you do something wrong, make up for it. Write your own story or legend. Be prepared for anything. Always smile. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Always be
    sweet to others.

    This my manifesto about statements I live by. I am doing this manifesto for a project called a "Motivation Poster" for Mr. Sanderl's class. This my very first post on my blog. Hope you like my facts and manifesto.