What kind of person am I??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I really need to think about that really quick................................ Oh yeah, I am a person who likes to play sports. Right now, I am playing soccer and tennis. But, I used to do basketball in Alabama along with soccer. In soccer, I am mostly a defender but mostly goalie, but rarely, I will be put to offense. Last season with my team, I scored only one goal when they put me to offense. I was so proud that I got a goal in that season especially when most of our teammates really couldn't get to score a goal! To practice for goalie, I practice one handed catches like what I would do in football. Anyways, I also a person who likes the outdoors. If you live by me, you would see me not inside watching T.V. or playing video games, I would be playing outside trying to pass the time while my sister Angelina would be slouching on the couch and watching T.V. You wonder what I do outside? Well, there are many things that I do. One of them is soccer. I have a goal made out of plants that I shoot through and I go far away or near and shoot the ball through the goal. I would also try do some skill moves and then score a goal. Another thing I do outdoors is football. When I do football, I try to do one handed catches so when I try out for flag football, I will be ready. I try my best to do football on myself but I always try ask my sister if she could help me do a favor and throw the football with me. A final thing about the person who I am is that I like to do math homework because when you do multiple operations, you have fun going through them and get the answer with so much fun. These are traits that I am defined by. But in this paragraph, there is one more thing that I have to talk about. I have to talk about humorous or relatable imperfections that I have. So, basically what this is saying is that I have to describe what makes me different from other people. One thing is that if I want something, I will do everything that I can to get that certain thing. For example, I want to have a dog but my parents say no, so I would get enough money to buy a dog and ask them one more time. If they say know, I did everything that I can in order to get a dog. Here is the intro paragraph of this blog post.
Wo We!!!! That paragraph probably took a tole on you guys but guess what? That was just the introduction to the post and the intro paragraph! That's crazy!!!! But anyways in this paragraph, I will be talking about what character traits I plan to exaggerate in my animation and how can I do it. Now, back to the blog post!!! You probably already know by now that in this paragraph I am going to talk about the character traits I plan to exaggerate in my animation right. So now, I am going to be telling you that. One thing I plan to exaggerate is my personalities. A personality that I plan to exaggerate is how athleticism or swag I am in this animation. For example, to show swag, I will be doing a pose that will look like I am leaning on the edge of the screen. To do this pose or any other pose, you will need to take a portrait of yourself and edit it in Photoshop. When you are in Photoshop, you will use the quick selection tool to only select yourself. After you have done this, you will go to Edit-Puppet Warp, and by the way, the process of morphing yourself is called Puppet Warp. Anyways, then you could do whatever you want to do and make yourself do anything. I will also exaggerate my athleticism by I will be jumping 2 times and landing back done again to do my swag pose. To jump up and down, you need to basically go to Window-Animation. After you click this, there will be a little box at the bottom of the Photoshop app and you will make multiple layers you gradually going up and then gradually down. Here is what I plan to exaggerate in my .GIF and how would you do it.
I hope you guys are still hanging in there because this paragraph thankfully is the last paragraph in this blog post. If you don't know yet, in this paragraph, I will be talking about the step-by-step process of creating my .GIF animated character and if I liked my .GIF and why. This paragraph is going to be the last paragraph in this blog post. After this post and paragraph you viewers or readers will have to wait a week for a new blog post. Now here is the last paragraph of this blog post!!! The process to make a .GIF is that you will click File-Save for Web and Devices and then a weird box will appear with settings that you can do to make your .GIF better. Then once you pressed save, you will be able to see your .GIF in your files. If you wondered if I liked my .GIF and the reasons why. Well, actually I liked how my .GIF came out because I think it is way more complex of an animation than a simple dance than exit stage. If I was judged on my work (which I am going to be), I will be happy that I will be the person who made that animation. I also like how I do 2 jumps, then I do my pose than I exit the stage. In my animation, I show off that I am energetic and that I can be cool sometimes. If you recognized, this background is the same picture I used for my Spherical 2 project and you can see that on the blog post below from the blog post ".MOV Film Festival". This is all the time I have for to write on this post for this week. The next post will probably be coming around next week maybe later depending on the week we do it on. But anyways, hope you guys are having a good week at school, home, or even at work. Hope to write for you guys soon and don't forget that we will keep on doing animations until we start on a new project!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!