Thursday, March 10, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

Hello guys and welcome to my annual blog post! In this post, I will be talking about our new project that may be entered into a contest called the .MOV Film Festival. Since he can't enter all of our work (even though I know he wants to), he will enter the top 3 most liked videos. If you are wondering what type of videos, the categories are Movie Trailer, Animation, or Sitcom. Well, that is enough talking for now and more of this information will pop up in this post. And now what you all have been waiting for to read, the real actual blog post. To get this clear, we had a plan that involved having to put keywords. My team and I all decided on these keywords for our Movie Trailer. The keywords are loss, chase, friendship, rescue, and feelings. Those are the keywords to think about. Now, how will these five keywords going to connect with our audience? Well, you are going to figure out right know. The first keyword is loss. I don't want to spoil our Movie Trailer especially when you want to read the post first. But anyways, loss will connect to you guys by the audience by there is a part in the movie trailer that involves lost and tragedy. It is like when someone passes away or you lost something that you really desired. The second keyword is chase. In our film, there will be a chasing scene that relates to running that you would do in soccer our even football. The third keyword that we put down was friendship. This keyword is what you will really see in the movie trailer. For example, you have a friend that you have been friends for a long time. That would be an example of a friendship. Another keyword for our film was rescue. Rescue involves trying to save someone right? So, that is why we put that as one of our keywords. We put rescue down as a keyword because our Movie Trailer involves something like that. Finally, we put feelings as a keyword. This movie trailer that we made includes a lot of emotions and feelings especially to our characters. Here are our keywords and how they relate to you guys!

You know our Movie Trailer right? So do you wonder if we have any overall message? Well, our Movie Trailer does have a overall message but that is not the only other thing that I will be explaining. I will also be explaining what we learned and what changes you can make. Sorry for interruption but now back to the blog post! Our Movie Trailer could have multiple overall messages but I am only going to explain one of the possibilities. That possibility is " Never leave a man (friend in this case) behind. Always stay by there side no matter what." This means that no matter the condition, always stay with your friend through the trouble. Or if you see your friend trip when you and your friend are running away from a threat, you pick them right back up and then keep on running. That is one of the possible overall messages explained. Now for the changes that we could have made. Our changes that we could have made a positive impact but it also could have caused a negative impact. One change that we could have done was make our Movie Trailer more like people would be interesting in watching our Movie Trailer. We could have done this by trying to avoid more jump cuts because we have a jump cut in our Movie Trailer. We also could have made some of the scenes more clearer. As I said, some of our scenes in our Movie Trailer is blurry. So we have to put on a video affect to where down the blurriness. Those are some of our changes that we could make to our film. Now finally to what we learned. One thing that I learned from doing this Movie Trailer was how to act a little better. In my Movie Trailer, when they tried to tell me to make a determined face, I failed at it!!! It probably the most awkward face in 2016!!! But anyways, another thing that I learned was that never jump cut. If you jump cut, your film will seem off. You will know when you see a jump cut after you press on the link about what a jump cut means. One final thing that I learned was always cooperate with your team even though they criticize about what your opinion is. Here are what I learned, what changes that we could do, and our overall message.

As you all know, this is the final paragraph for this blog post and it is going to be about what was ours teams biggest challenges. Now, here is the final paragraph to this blog post. Everyone in our team had setbacks during the development to our Movie Trailer. Steven couldn't make it and help us film on the resignated day that we planned to film. I was a horrible actor and had to do many takes just to get a scene with me inside it right. Josiah made some of the videos blurry so James and I had to redo them. Then James was the main editor so he was trusted to do everything on almost everything that was done to make our Movie Trailer successful. But anyways, all of our challenges was the filming and everything that had to take place to make our film successful. One of those things would be our filming. Every time we have a good take with me inside of it, something happens so that I would have to do the take again. Also, I always smile after I say my lines so that makes James smile and that just messes up the scene. This was rare but the camera was blurry for a take so we had to redo the scene. Another one would be editing. Our editing ended good in the end but really they didn't let me do editing. James worked on arranging the scenes and Josiah looked for good sound effects while Steven and I just hanged back and just agreed to everything. One final thing was when everyone didn't show up. The person that didn't show up was Steven because he said that things popped up and he couldn't make it. So, without our main camera man, we had to change the whole thing a little bit but having the same plot. It wasn't really probably a problem but it made us have a little of extra work to do. Here is this weeks blog post and hope you really liked this blog post. Stay toned for more post next week. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

These were my teammates for this project and a link to their blog:
James Kessler
Josiah Nelson
Steven Villanueva

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